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ABOUT US / 自己紹介




実際に居住環境に出かけ、利用者や住民、行政、専門家などのスケークホルダーと協働し、企画・設計・実施・運営・改善の継続的プロセスのデザイン・マネジメントを行います。特に、人の身体・生理・心理・行動を科学的に見つめて、客観的な手がかりで裏付けられたエビデンス・ベースト・デザイン(Evidence based Design)を目指しています。またインボルブドデザイニングやリアリティオリエンテーションなどのワークショップを通してステークホルダーとの合意形成・共通認識を計ります。

Kazuhiko MORI / 森一彦
Founder and Principal


Makoto Nishiguchi / 西口 誠
Under Graduate Student



西口 誠





Makoto Nishiguchi

1995, born in Osaka prefecture, Japan

 I like travel and have ever traveled all over Japan. Travel gives me knowledge of culture and history of an area. It also leads me to think about terrain, climate, industry, life-style, and their relation. It is possible for me to notice the diversity and the freedom of our lives.

 I’m interested in the relationship between architecture and urbanism and our lives. There are no responses in it, and it has changed variously. Then, what should our lives, our thought, the society be in the future. How does that create architecture and urbanism? I want to research on new model of architecture and urbanism while thinking about that.

Akie Eura・江浦章惠
Graduate Student






Akie Eura


I have an interest in conversion of empty house and building into welfare facility. While It is insufficient welfare facilities for the elderly facilities and child care support, diversion of empty houses, which are regional resources into welfare facilities and utilization will lead to regional revitalization. To that end, based on past cases, I would like to find problems for constructing a system for welfare diversion and study how to do it.


Liangxiaoyi/ 梁暁儀
Research Student




梁暁儀 リョウギョウギ






October 1993 Born in China Anhui province

I am studying environmental design at Xi'an Science University, my hobbies are painting, playing games and traveling, so I would like to travel the world in the future if possible.

 With the elderly becoming an aging society who is interested in the living conditions of the elderly due to their families, along with the increase in demand for the elderly, the walking space, seat space, garden space, road design and the like of the living environment presently are What is the impact on psychology and behavior, please analyze this and create a space that is easy for the elderly to use.


Momoka Nitao/ 仁田尾百花
Under Graduate Student

​仁田尾 百花





1995, born in Hyogo prefecture, Japan.

I had an interest in wellbeing environment, especially dementia care environment, so I hoped to belong to Dr. Mori's laboratory.

I once lived with my grandmother who had dementia, and saw the care nearby. Then I thought that not only direct care but also improving the environment can help people indirectly. To create care environment, I should know the problems and find how to solve them. I want to study deep about good environment for people who have dementia and people who help them.


name / 浜田歩実
Graduate Student
Ayumi Hamada/ 浜田歩実
Graduate Student



近畿大学 建築学部卒業。






Bachelor of Science in Architecturer March, 2017

Kindai University, Osaka, Japan


I have an interest in Conversion to Care facilities at downtown, and thereby what changes will happen to the relationship between the community and the welfare facility. I hope to prepare a wellbeing environment to blend into the community and society and to create a society where we can spend without changing the lifestyle even when we are older.

Mayuko Morita/ 森田真由子
Graduate Student





Born in 1994, Nara, rased in Osaka. My hobby is eating, drinking, and walking. As my diploma research and design, I was focus on the comunity in  the city, especially Tennoji-area, Osaka-city, designed the Library to utilize-preserve  the burial mound having long history and raise a new comunity not depends on living area.Furthermore, in that research, I belong to Enkatsu, a comunity program supported by Kintetsu department  store and still keep taking part in. In master course, I learn more practicaly, from the point of common space, comunity, and landscape,

I'd like to design about the way to utilize-preserve important local history.

Lu xu/路旭 
Research Student
Kosuke Tatsuta/ 龍田 幸祐
Graduate Student



路旭(ロ キョク)

ハルビン理工大学 機械デザイン学部卒業です 1991年 山東省で生まれ

日中両国の高齢者がだんだん上がって 高齢者の居住環境で、高齢者向けの福祉施設で老後の生活にとって上海で研究者が少なく、日本では、養護老人ホーム、介護老人福祉施設、老人デイサービスセンターな どの高齢者向けの福祉施設が存在している。中国の高齢者が居住する福祉施設で、高齢者 にとって便利性や安全性の高いバリアフリー居住環境デザインについて研究したいと思います。


lu xu


I am graduated from Harubin Engineering University mechanical design. I was born in 1991.

And I come from Shandong province. With the increasing of old people , the residential environment of elderly, welfare facilities for the elderly is less and less. However there are many facilities in Japan. want to research about the convenience and safety of high-barrier-free living environment design for elderly welfare facilities for the Chinese elder.

Chiaki Tsuda/津田 千晶
Graduate Student





龍田 幸祐






Kosuke Tatsuta

 Born in March of 1994 and raised in Osaka.

 I really like to join outdoor music festival such as FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL and go to music club in order to see my favorite rock band.

 Studied about ‘‘Relationship of Residential Nursing Care Level, Figures of Personal Belongings and Arrangements of Furniture in Special Nursing Home for the Elderly’’ for obtaining basic documents of living environment considered about both privacy of residents and care by staff.

 Now studying about the way to make the Unit Care, established as a care living model for dementia, better one through researching activities of private residential home.






Chiaki Tsuda


I was born in 1994, Gunma. My hobby is sleeping, flying, visitinggardens and climbing mountains. I like Japanese gardens and Chinese gardens andarchitect closely related to plants and nature. My graduation research, design was「Green Renovation in Suburban Residential Area」. I tried to solve local problem by arranging well-being in footpathand forming Green&Local community based in greenhouses.I’m going to study how the space including plants and nature influencehuman at graduate school. Afterthat I would like to design the place effectively include plants and nature.



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